Where Darkness Reigns

Code of Conduct

22/08/2009 13:26

Player Code of Conduct is for players conduct IC and OOC while within the room. Please ensure you have read it and clearly understand. It will be updated as needed. Thank you!  Please click Read More for the CoC.

Code of Conduct


All players must be Adults, Ages 18+ Only. Some role-play we may create can potentially involve fictional/simulated murder, rape, torture, grisly deaths, child abuse, male pattern baldness, the use of caffeine in beverages, and other rough topics not for minors.


Players are discouraged from revealing any OOC information about a new character to other players, whether in public or private. This should be discovered through RP. Players are also discouraged from asking someone information about a new character that you haven't earned IC.

Even excellent role-players will unconsciously treat a character differently if they do not know what it is OOC, or if they think they know what it is before they've earned it IC. You will not be kicked out for this; it is just frowned on, not to mention hands other players advantages over you.


C. IC OFFENSES (Kick/Bans):
We will kick/ban people for inappropriate IC behavior that occurr in our game, and or violates tK policy 

In specific, if we catch you doing any of the following:
  • Advertising (without Ops permission) for other web sites, etc.

  • Nuking people (Denial of Service attacks, etc.)

  • Spamming

  • Stalking other users

    Certain volatile topics may come up during RP (racism, misogyny, rape, child abuse, etc.), but this is not permission to force others to discuss them OOC. If you wish to engage in OOC debates, do it in private message. We don't want arguments cluttering up the OOC  while others are trying to roll dice or create RP.

    If another player is offended and doesn’t want to continue the discussion, leave them alone. We are here to play, not to force our personal opinions on others, and we do not want players to monopolize everyone's time using the channel as their personal soap box, confessional or social torture chamber.


D. You can be kicked out for OOC reasons, even if your role-playing skills are impeccable

The following are examples but are not considered to be all-inclusive.  Any behavior that deteriorates the game will be regulated by the Ops and can result in a ban at will.
[D1] The following OOC game-related behaviors will not be tolerated:
  • Rules Lawyering (as in, after you are told to drop it) 

  • Back-talking, insulting, or arguing with an Op; accusing an Op of cheating or playing favorites, or refusing to obey direct orders from an Op. 

  • Excessive/Prolonged Arguing. (Disagreeing is fine. Being nasty when doing so or not letting it go, is not.)

D2] The following non game-related behaviors are bad "Netiquette," and will get you banned:
  • Doing "Drivebys"/Revolving Door (popping in & out of room a lot)

  • A/S/L's, demanding IRL names, ages or pictures, or other invasions of player private information

  • OOC unwelcome "Hot Chat" (Cybersex) or sexual harassment of other players.

  • Excessive displays of sexual, toilet, or body humor (Ops decide what is excessive)

  • Deliberately flooding the channel or flooding someone in message

  • "Trolling" / flame wars / chronic insulting. This includes inciting discussions on religion, politics, lifestyle choices, or any other topics that tend to encourage arguments in the channel that have nothing to do with the game.

  • Not respecting other players' boundaries when they say to leave them alone.

Prospective players are welcome to sit in channel if they are checking us out for future RP.

We just don't like people who don't appear to be planning on playing, treating the room like their personal social hall. If you are not intending to role-play, learn to role-play, observe our role-play, or discuss with an ST about your potential role-play, you have no business in this channel. This is not a place to just hang out when you are bored.

 Please show consideration to fellow players and mark yourself AFK either by script or by Nick. This goes for Ops and Players alike. It is discouraging to players, STs and guests alike to see a seemingly full channel but nobody will interact with them.

NOTE: We do realize sometimes things happen; IRL emergencies, Nickserv vanishes, you get knocked off line while AFK and a script relogs you on with an Un-AFK nick, etc. We know the difference between that and the habitual offenders.

If you are prone to using the word "Huggles" for hugs (and also excessively hugging other players who don't know you and can't stand that Care Bear crap), or the word "Crys" for cries, just leave now before we disembowel you.

If you frequently say things like "my parents won't let me on the computer after 10 pm", leave now. If you're not lying about your age and they say that and you're well over 18, leave now and get psychiatric help. No, we're not kidding. It makes you sound 11 years old and makes us feel pedophilic for letting you in here. We expect players to sound, and act, like grown-ups in here.


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